September 18, 2012

Weekend Update and a new job!

Hi yall! I'm sorry I haven't been that great about blogging the past week or so, but I've been feeling a little unmotivated because I know I have pictures to upload, but I can't find our camera cord :( I guess I'll just have to make do.

My weekend started off very well because I got a call from the college and found out that I got the job that I interviewed last Monday!! YAY! I'm so excited to have benefits and be making more money, such a weight lifted off my shoulders. I signed my offer letter and put in my two-weeks notice at work. It is going to work out very nicely

On Friday night, S had a manly-man camping trip so I planned a girls' night with my friend Kara from work. We ate dinner at Sesame and we both got the sliders. They have really good burgers and really good sweet potato fries mmmm :) After dinner, we headed over to Bottles N Brushes. For those of you who aren't familiar with BnB, it involves wine drinking and painting, what could be more fun?! There was a room full of people and an instructor that walked us through the painting step by step. Here is the progression...sort of.

The paintings came out pretty good and I can't wait to put mine up in our apartment! We definitely need more art around here.

On Saturday, S got home from camping pretty early and we headed to his softball game on base shortly after. I got to hang with Lindsey again and the boys won their game (lucky for us girls because those boys do not take losing very well!)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Yay congrats on the new job, that is really exciting! :)

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