June 14, 2013


Happy Friday y'all!

This is the first Friday in a while that we are not linking up for Fitness Friday. It feels weird not to post about it so I might have to sneak in a re-cap of my week at the end ;)

I took a "mental-health" day yesterday and I guess I also ended up taking the day off from blogging. S had most of the day off, too, and since he was going golfing in the morning with the rest of the day free, I decided to stay home as well.

While he was out golfing, I slept in a little bit then went to the gym. In the afternoon, we took a ride out to Sullivan's Island. We hit up Poe's for a late lunch then the beach for a little while. It definitely was a hot one yesterday, but being at the beach with a nice breeze definitely made it more bearable.

I also got my first order EVER from Lululemon yesterday! That, of course, was a big motivational factor in me going to the gym on my day off ;) Even though we have a Lulu store here in Charleston, they had a couple really cute skirts on sale online and I couldn't pass them up.

(sorry my mirror is dusty, but you get the picture!)

I love the idea of a skirt because they have compression shorts underneath, but you're covered so you don't feel like you're running in booty shorts. I also LOVE them because unlike some running shorts, they don't ride up. Hallelujah! I know this is just the first purchase of many more to come.

As for working out, I did two 1-mile runs and one 1.5-mile run this week before lifting for a total of 3.5 miles. I also completed days 1-3 of Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer and I'm loving it so far! Until recently, I loved doing group fitness classes because I had someone telling me what to do and had other people to help motivate me. I had a very hard time working out on my own because I always felt like it was easier with some sort of plan. I love Jamie Eason's workout plan and it has made working out on my own soo much easier. I'm hopeful for some serious results.

Day #1:

Ooh! And last, but not least, I have a "blate" tomorrow for brunch! I am meeting up with Kate from Nautical by Nature and Christy from Charleston Girl at Acme Lowcountry Kitchen. Looking forward to chatting it up and will be sure to post about it next week :)

Hope you all have a great weekend! Cheers!


Jen said...

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the blate! :)

Linny said...

I just ordered a lululemon jacket online and was equally excited. I hope you enjoyed your day off! Have a wonderful wknd! xo

Kerr said...

I am jealous of your lunch at Poe's. have a nice weekend!

The Better Belle Project said...

Have fun at the Blate!

So glad you're liking the LiveFit Trainer, I'm loving it even when I hate it haha, month 2 gets kind of brutal.

I keep resisting the urge to order lulumon stuff, but maybe I should just give in already! haha

Unknown said...

Just found your blog!!
Now following!
Looking forward to keeping up!

I am doing a blog design giveaway. Check it out :)


Janna Renee said...

I was wondering what the deal was with those skirts! Now they sound pretty awesome, and I will have to check them out.

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