December 21, 2012

Fitness Friday!

Wow, I am slacking again y'all. I'm sorry for the late post, but the last 24 hours have been a little crazy.

I can happily say that I am sitting on the bed in what used to be my old bedroom at my parents' house blogging away. It feels awesome to just veg out a bit knowing that I really don't have anything that needs to get done right this minute.

I got in to CT late last night. My flight from Charleston got delayed about 90 min. because of the wind, but I got here eventually and was only about an hour later than expected.

I don't know what it was, but I was having some serious anxiety about flying yesterday. I swear I was trying to think of way out of it up until I was in line boarding my flight. I told myself to quit being a baby though and suck it up because it's only an hour to Baltimore then another hour to CT. I ended up being just fine.

After getting home at about 1:30am, I had to get up and go to an 8:30am dentist appointment this morning, which isn't the way I really wanted to start my vacation (sleeping in definitely would have been preferable), but at least it's out of the way!

So far, the weather has been super crappy...

ie. SC/ CT

Although as I type this, the sun seems to be coming out and the sky turning blue, so today might not be a total bust!

Now, on to Fitness Friday! I am embarrassed to say that I kind of slacked this week. We have been crazy busy with Christmas parties and getting the apartment ready and ourselves ready for a 2+ week Charleston hiatus.

I worked out with my trainer on Monday, but skipped out on Wednesday because I had to drive S's drunk friends home from their office Christmas party finish laundry and packing. I was feeling really overwhelmed all week so I'm sure the sheer amount of anxiety I was feeling probably burned just as many calories as if I had worked out more. I did however, bring workout clothes and tennis shoes with me so I am planning on hitting the gym!

Although it is the holidays and sometimes difficult to stay on track, it's better to be conscious of the decisions you are making rather than just letting yourself go completely. Even if you don't have time to work out as much as you'd like, be sure to make smart food choices and who said you can't burn calories while doing all that Christmas shopping!

I'm not going to lie, I'm home in CT now and after passing by at least three of my favorite restaurants, it's going to be difficult. I'm determined though to not digress and at least maintain the progress I've made thus far. While everyone else is gaining, I will not be.

I'm heading out soon to see my grandpa who is the the midst of his third round of chemo. He contracted pneumonia a couple days ago and isn't responding well to the antibiotics. Please say a prayer for him and my family. Everyone says that he is doing okay, but I know that it is going to be difficult seeing him in the hospital.

On a positive note, I'm meeting my cousin tonight after work for dinner; I have a haircut scheduled for tomorrow morning and my dad's side Christmas party tomorrow night then I'm spending the day in NYC on Sunday with one of my bestest friends in the whole world who I haven't seen in foreverrr. Can't wait!!

Hope everyone had a great week and a happy Friday! What's going on this weekend???

ps - If you are participating in Fitness Friday, don't forget to add your link below!!


Caitlin A. Cleland said...

Oh dear I got that silly nervous feeling on our way back from our honeymoon. It was right after the big storm hit NY and for some reason I was so jittery! And don't sweat the not working out thing, I'm sure running around preparing for everything burned plenty of energy! Have fun at home and Merry Christmas!

Lindsay Erin said...

I just found your blog through our Secret Santa swap and I love the Fitness Friday idea! I am an avid fitness nut, but find myself falling off the bandwagon more often than I can understand. I will definitely be linking up in the future. Stop by and check out my little space:

Jen said...

I always get a really nervous feeling when I fly. It is not my favorite thing at all. I hope you enjoy your time in CT.

Megan said...

I'll definitely be praying for your grandpa and your family!!

Unknown said...

So sorry about your grandpa Kelly :( LOVE the fitness Friday linkup! I'll definitely be coming back for that. This week wasn't so good for exercise and eating right, with a trip to Vegas over the weekend :p And look at your new MacBook! LOVE :)

Janna Renee said...

Hope your grandpa is doing okay! Enjoy your relaxation :)

Rach said...

I hope your grandfather heals quickly!

Jane said...

Enjoy time with family! I'll be praying for your Grandpa. Ugh I actually have been pretty good about working out over the holidays but I have not been eating well at all. Can you say chocolate for breakfast? lol

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